Quick-Start Guide

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TechCentrix SDK Architecture

Better quality flow.


Item Description
oneTimeToken Token that needs to passed to TechCentrix SDK to sign in/up your user. It’s a one time token and has a short expiry date.
Server.API.Key API key is used between your and TechCentrix’s server to generate oneTimeToken. It can be stored only on your server. Don’t store it in a mobile app, because of security reasons.
Mobile.API.Key It’s used in TechCentrixConfig, so we can identify you on our side.
TechCentrix Config file Excel file with Server.API.Key, Mobile.API.Key, Gradle & CocoaPods Access, Firebase Server Key etc. You can find a template here.

Backend Integration

Integrate your backend with TechCentrix backend

Every time your app starts TechCentrix module, it should ask your backend to authorize with TechCentrix backend. This REST call will sign up/in your user in our backend. In order to make it safe, this REST call needs to be signed by Server.API.Key. This key must be stored only on your backend. (Don’t store this key in your mobile application)

For REST call preview, you can download Postman collection from here.

Auth External

POST https://api.techcentrix.com/user/api/auth/external


Authorization: Bearer Server.API.Key
Content-Type: application/json

Request Body

  "id": "user1-external", // unique id for that user. Could be same as in your database, or any other string
  "email": "user1@techcentrix.com", // email address of user
  "firstName": "User1Name" // first name of user signed in your application
  • Success Response:
    • Code: 200
    • Content: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJjY2Y0MWNkYy1kNWY1LTRlMT...
  • Error Response:
    • Code: 401 Unauthorised
    • Content: { message: "Invalid access token", errorCode: 4 }

Mobile integration

TechCentrix SDK supports 2 mobile platforms: Android & iOS.



  • Kotlin & Java
  • Android 5.0 (API 21) or newer
  • project based on AndroidX libraries (old Android Support libraries are not supported)

API Documentation

We have more in-depth API Documentation.

Step by step instructions

Follow this instruction to integrate your Android application.



  • Swift 5.0+
  • iOS 11+

API Documentation

We have more in-depth API Documentation.

Step by step instructions

Follow this instruction to integrate your iOS application.